Tubersmcn’s guide on YouTube Copyright Question and Answer helps you to navigate YouTube’s copyright minefield. Learn how to prevent copyright strikes, understand fair use, and find copyright-free resources.
YouTube Copyright Question and Answer: Basics
- What is YouTube copyright?
The of copyright law on YouTube’s platform is called YouTube copyright protecting original creative content such as videos, music, and images. Simply put, YouTubers generally need permission to use someone else’s copyrighted works on YouTube.
- What are key concepts of YouTube copyright?
Copyright infringement abd Fair use.
- What is copyright infringement?
If you use and upload someone else’s copyrighted material without permission, it is copyright infringement which can result in a copyright claim against your video.
- What is fair use?
Fair use allows limited use of copyrighted material for commentary, criticism, education, news reporting, and similar purposrs. However, fair use is a complex concept dependant on the specific situation.
YouTube Copyright Question and Answer: Functions
- What is Content ID?
YouTube’s system automatically scanning videos for copyrighted material is called Content ID.
- What is a copyright claim?
If Content ID system finds a match for copyrighted material, a copyright claim is filed against the video. However, it does not necessarily mean your video will be taken down. Sometimes the copyright owner only wants to monetize your video through ads.
- What is a dispute process?
If a copyright claim is believed to bewrong, you can dispute it through YouTube.
YouTube Copyright Question and Answer: Prevention
- Are there any copyright-free resources for music?
Yes, many sources offer copyright-free music, images, and videos just for YouTube. You only need to check the license terms before using the material. YouTube free Audio Library, Bensound, Free Music Archive, or Purple Planet are some examples.
YouTube Copyright Question and Answer: Consequence
- What happens to use copyrighted material accidentally?
To fix the accidental use of copyrighted material, try these options:
- Remove the copyrighted material: You can edit your video to remove the copyrighted content. Read more on How to Edit Published YouTube Videos in 4 Easy Steps.
- Credit the copyright owner: However, crediting the owner does not necessarily grant you permission to use their copyrighted material.
- Contact the copyright owner: Explain your mistake and look forward to getting permission for keeping the content.