How Much YouTube Shorts Pay For 1000 Views in India

How Much YouTube Shorts Pay For 1000 Views in India

The sizable Indian population has given rise to a huge number of gifted content producers, particularly those who concentrate on making YouTube videos. However, how much does YouTube shorts pay for 1000 views in India? Tubersmcn answers. Greetings if you’re a novice content creator who has recently joined the ranks of other YouTubers. It’s normal […]

Skyrocket Revenue in 2024: Average CPM on YouTube

Knowing the average CPM on YouTube helps you choose high-earning niches for your channel & maximize your revenue. Tubersmcn has gathered the most important tips What Is the Average CPM on YouTube? CPM stands for cost per mille. It means “cost per thousand as mille is a Latin word meaning thousand. In YouTube, it  is […]